Wedding Centerpiece ideas~ Dove grey and yellow

OK, let me spread some of my  momentary euphoria while it lasts.Today has been a good day. Well where do I start? I have been raiding London shops and can I just say, the high street stores have really stepped up their game. Just thought I'd mention that. I shall tell all later tonight. In the meantime let me share a lovely little idea for your venue styling.

To get positive room energy on your big day, why don't you get these 100% Beeswax Bottles eitheclustered as centrepieces, individually tagged with guest names so that they double as wedding favours or held together with broad dove grey lace ribbon?  Alternatively you could even light up the room by using these vintage inspired beauties to highlight room features like fire places, the high table and so on. I reckon for maximum impact you can play around with the colours ~like dove grey and yellow instead of all yellow.  They could also be positioned on top of a pretty dove grey table runner.

Bridesmaids can all wear pale yellow and  dove grey dresses to complement the whole colour scheme.
Bridesmaids could all wear either yellow or dove grey and attach this pretty sash via Etsy

I haven't seen this idea anywhere else before have you? Je t'aime......

Beeswax candles via Etsy

candle centrepiece via Martha Stewart

via Martha Stewart
Or you could always swap dove grey for black instead and contrast it with mellow yellow!!!

I hope this inspires you.



  1. Nice post! glad i found this blog!

    check out mine? I'm a photographer!

    If you want, follow it and I'll do the same.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. aww thanks Brandon. Just checked out your blog and you immediately inspired my latest post. Yours is just as good! Let's free our minds and experiment with our creative minds~hmmm that sounds deep :)

    Following you!


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